Sorting Out the New South City: Race, Class, and Urban Development in Charlotte, 1875-1975
by Thomas W. Hanchett
Hanchett argues that racial and economic segregation are not age-old givens, but products of a a decades-long process. Well after the Civil War, Charlotte’s whites and balcks, workers and business owners, all lived intermingled in a “salt-and-pepper” pattern. The rise of manufacturing enterprises in the 1880s and 1890s brought social and politcal upheaval, however, and the city began to sort out into a “checker-board” of distinct neighborhoods segregated by both race and class. When urban renewal and other federal funds became available in the mid-twentieth century, local leaders used the money to complete the sorting out process, creating a “sector” pattern in which wealthy whites increasingly lived on one side of town and blacks on the other. More >>
Charlotte and the Carolina Piedmont
by Tom Hanchett and Ryan Sumner
Historians Tom Hanchett and Ryan Sumner adapt their award-winning exhibit “Cotton Fields to Skyscrapers: Charlotte and the Carolina Piedmont in the New South, ” into an insightful collection of photographs that allows readers to interpret the history of the Charlotte region not as a sequence of events, but as a rich tapestry of diverse experiences. Through a multitude of voices and perspectives, the book presents an engaging and intimate history, highlighting both ordinary and extraordinary people’s stories that reflect the Charlotte region.
Legacy: The Myers Park Story
by Mary Norton Kratt and Thomas W. Hanchett
Other Charlotte books of interest
The Dream Long Deferred: The Landmark Struggle for Desegregation in Charlotte, North Carolina, Frye Gaillard, 2006